Community Action Groups

We have Community Action Groups or "CAG's" that are work groups with specific responsibilities for maintaining different aspects of our community and property. Each community member is expected to join at least one CAG and participate actively. The time commitment ranges from five to a dozen or more hours per month, depending upon the CAG one chooses to join, the time of year, and one's level of passion for the work the CAG is doing. The following is a list of the current CAGs:
Board of Directors: Takes care of all matters related to the financial well-being of the community; serves as the community Board of Directors as outlined in the by-laws.
Common House: Provide and maintain space for the community to come together for meals, events and special occasions. Attends to all aspects of Common House usage including maintenance of outside spaces, policies & procedures, financial, meals and programming/facilitating gatherings and activities to foster community.
Land Coordinating Council (LCC): Coordinates, reviews and monitors community land use and development. This includes developing a land maintenance program, overseeing hired maintenance person, creating land improvement projects, coordinating voucher work, etc.
Tech: Support and visioning with respect to technology use and adoption to improve individual and collective living in the community
Well Being: Considers issues important to the overall health of the community, particularly in regard to the community processes of decision-making, problem solving, visioning and values.
We also have many specific subgroups.
Third Siders: Promoting conflict resolution through education and facilitation.
Compost: Composts the kitchen waste produced by the community.
Greenhouse and Gardens: Takes care of all work related to the greenhouse and community garden
Irrigation and Ditch: Takes care of all work related to ditch water delivery to wetlands; ditch and water rights; irrigation drip system.
Pedestrian Way and Safety: Maintains, improves, and enhances the use of pedways and trails along with dealing with safety issues.
Welcoming/Mentoring: Welcoming newcomers, providing information to prospective buyers/renters, etc.
Newsletter: Produces regular monthly newsletters that aim to inform Nylanders about community issues and upcoming events.
Design Review: Reviews all changes to both community and private properties at Nyland to ensure they meet the approval of the community.
Recycling: Coordinates and maintains Nyland's recycling program.
Shop: Maintains, improves, and enhances the use of the shop building and grounds.
Kids: All work related to the kid's room, teen's room, kid's play areas next to the Common House, special programs, education of community on children's issues, children's safety issues, ensuring integration of children and teens in the community and makes sure children's voices are heard and acted on.