Board of Directors

The responsibilities of Nyland’s Board of Directors (BOD) can be summarized in three words: Safety, Legal, and Finance.
The Board is responsible for the legal and financial oversight of the community, as well as for the safety of its common buildings and grounds. Many of the Board’s responsibilities are spelled out in Nyland’s Bylaws and its Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions(CC&Rs), which provide the legal framework for the Nyland Community Association.
The Board represents Nyland in all business and legal interactions, including those with private contractors and with the City of Lafayette. The Board collects dues, guides our annual budget approval process, implements the approved budget, processes check requests, handles our investments, and plans for and implements exterior maintenance of homes and replacement of community-owned structures and assets. The Board maintains community-wide insurance; this coverage does not include the "H06" unit-owners policy each resident is encouraged to maintain. The Board is responsible for maintaining an adequate Reserves for Replacement fund to plan for Nyland’s long-term sustainability, and for ensuring that our legal documents and agreements are current.
The Board members are divided into 3 subgroups: financial (FINBOD), communications, and maintenance. The Board is comprised of nine owner-representatives and at least one renter-representative, serving for terms of 3 years. Elections occur annually in March. The Board tries to identify what skills are needed and encourages people with those skills/interests to self-nominate as positions arise. The goal is for 3 seated positions to expire each year. It is expected that all homeowners do a rotation on the Board at some time.
Board meeting minutes are posted here as soon as they are approved (there is usually a delay of two weeks, since we have to formally approve the meeting notes at the subsequent meeting). Board members are available to discuss any current or potential Board issue.