Land CAG

If you are like many of us, the beautiful acreage that Nyland sits on, and is surrounded by, is part of what attracted you to our community. As a community, we have chosen to do much of the maintenance of the land ourselves rather than hiring it out; therefore, participation from everybody is important in keeping the land well tended. The land is overseen by the Land CAG. This page will orient you to all things land related.
The Land CAG
The Land CAG acts as a consultant on land use, including new projects, in accordance with community vision in relation to the land. We are an information resource on land issues. We coordinate ongoing maintenance to promote the health of the land, which is a precious resource from which we derive our own well-being. We do studies and research regarding land issues that result in proposals to the community. You can contact our CAG at
Land CAG Guiding Principles:
Guiding principal 1: We have a year-round plan for the care and maintenance of our land through shared community responsibility. Key areas for care include:
· Weeds
· Watering
· Mowing
· Irrigation
· Trees
· Ditch
Guiding principal 2: A value of shared stewardship, by the entire community, for the care and maintenance of our land.
Guiding principal 3: Land CAG serves a consultation and coordination role to care for our land vs. being a labor source for the entire acreage.
Guiding principal 4: Education and reinforcement of responsible use of shared land. Reviewing CCR’s that relate to Land and educating community regarding standards of care and aesthetics for pedways and yards (that impact shared care of land – e.g. clearance for safety and snow removal).
Guiding principal 5: Have fun! Love the land!
Community Accountability for the Land
Participation in a minimum of two land care days (for the entire 4 hours) per year. If not able, four hours of work per workday missed.
Maintain the landscape on private lots.
No use of common areas for storing or dumping personal stuff.
Follow all by-laws and CCRs related to the Land.
Land Care Days
Land Care Days occur 6 times a year, typically on a Saturday or Sunday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. These work days offer an opportunity for us to gather as a community to complete necessary tasks related to the care of our shared acreage including mulching trees and trails, mowing, and weed control. Tasks are available for individuals of all ages, abilities, and mobility. If community members are not able to participate, eight hours of land care time is expected and can be arranged by consulting with a member of the Land CAG.
Compost Carts (in parking lots)
Even though we have an Eco-Cycle dumpster, Nyland endeavors to keep and compost its own plant-based waste on the land for use in our own gardens. Compost carts are located in the north and south parking lots and are emptied by the compost crew weekly. These carts are for your kitchen scraps (minus meat/bones and compostable bags). For a complete list of what not to include, click here.
If you are interested in helping with compost crew, please contact a member of the Land CAG.
Compost / Yard Waste ECOCYCLE Dumpster:
There is a large, green Eco-Cycle compost dumpster at the north end of the north parking lot next to the trash dumpster which is emptied on Thursdays. The following items can be placed in this dumpster:
Kitchen scraps including meat
Yard waste such as grass, weeds, and shrubs (all branches must be less than 3 inches in diameter) .
Paper products (napkins, tissues, coffee filters, cereal boxes, toilet paper rolls, paper egg cartons, etc.)
Compostable cups and food containers, “bio-degradable” green bags, etc
We do not own the ditch to the south or east of our property. Water runs in the ditch mid-spring for 4-6 weeks. We own a small “share” of the water that runs through the south ditch, which we divert to the garden and CSA for irrigation.
The ditch has a steep drop-off and there are signs indicating where to keep out of the ditch. This water quality is not proper for drinking, nor is swimming permitted. Please take time to educate your children for their safety, and to allow the ditch to remain a peaceful home for local wildlife.
Fruit trees
There are many fruit trees on common land here at Nyland. You are welcome to enjoy the bounty of these trees.
Please don’t harvest fruit or berries on someone else’s property without permission.
Hiking trails
Nyland is surrounded by open space on three sides. Trails are maintained by Boulder, Louisville, and Lafayette Open Space management. Enjoy!
Many of the landscaped and planted areas in Nyland are on an in-ground irrigation system. One of the roles of the Land CAG is to monitor and maintain the system.
Since the irrigation system does not cover all areas, we ask that homeowners take responsibility for watering the plants and trees on or near their property.
Meadows and common land
No changes can be made to common land without community consent using the process outlined in the CCRs.
Do not drive on the meadows or the dirt road that exits the northeast corner of the north parking lot.
Do not cut new trails.
No wood is to be gathered from the land.
Please do not use common land (behind carports, near the common buildings, parking lots, the north field road) as places for storing, abandoning or dumping personal belongings.
Please keep pedways clear (bicycles, toys, carts, tools) to allow for emergency vehicle access.
Bike racks are provided along the pedways for community use.
Nyland’s recycling shed is in the TCR port at the north end of the south parking lot, and is emptied on Mondays and Thursdays.
Nyland has single stream recycling for paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, and glass. Please be sure that all items are clean before putting them into the dumpster. Please also flatten all cardboard boxes.
We also collect small scrap metal, plastic bags (clean and dry only!), Styrofoam, packing materials (available for reuse by the community), batteries and large, durable #3 & #5 plastic containers. These items can be left on the left wall of the recycling shed in the bins provided.
Items not recyclable include, shredded paper (place in paper bag in the Eco-Cycle compost dumpster), plastic clam-shell containers (try not to buy produce this way!) and Styrofoam take-out containers.
If you have a large item (furniture, appliances, building materials, etc.) that you do not know how to dispose of, please contact someone on the Land CAG for ideas.
Nyland also often sponsors 1-2 “hard to recycle” days per year.
For a complete list of what you can and can’t recycle, click here.
Before discarding, please consider first whether your item is appropriate to leave in the "Free Box" in the lower level of the common house (in the art room). Please no electronics, glass, cleaning supplies, liquids, supplements, foods, herbs, medicines, knives, sharp objects, or other items dangerous to young children.
Snow Removal
Community members are responsible for snow removal on their property, the sidewalks from their house to the pedways, and the pedway in front of their house.
The trash dumpster is located in the north parking lot near the wood shop.
The dumpster is emptied three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
We know it can be a challenge but please do not overfill the dumpster or place items on the side.
The Land CAG is responsible for community-owned trees, including those in individuals’ front yards. Homeowners are responsible for the care of trees in their side and backyards.
Weed and pest control
We work to remove noxious and invasive weeds, and promote the growth of native grasses and plants. We use the least invasive and least toxic/noxious methods available.
We try to landscape with native and xeric/drought tolerant species and understand that water is a precious resource in our semi-arid climate.
Yard care
Owners are responsible for maintaining their property and landscape – including the area in front of their homes.
Please pick up weeds, trash and pick up after your animals.
Fences, sheds, decks, satellite dishes or any exterior construction/modifications, need approval by Design Review.
North Field Farm (CSA)
North Field Farm is located on the Nyland property and supplies yummy organic veggies for community meals, the CSA, and local farmer's markets. For more information visit
If you’ve been wondering how, why, and when we manage our lovely grasses at Nyland, read on.
The grassy common areas that are mowed frequently are referred to as “transition areas.” These are areas near and around the pavilion, parking lots, kids' play areas, gardens, and mulch road. Keeping these areas mowed provides more space for neighborly activities and helps to minimize the spread of weeds. Nyland Way is a transition area. Improving visibility so that we keep everyone safe as we come and go along Nyland Way is the purpose of routine mowing there.
Our gorgeous meadows are mowed with deliberate planning and intention. In conversations with current and previous extension agents, Land CAG has discussed many aspects of meadow care. These conversations include the benefits of mowing the meadows in rotation, on a varying schedule, as a way of mimicking “nature’s mowers” (the bison who did not travel on a fixed schedule munching the grass at the same time every year).
Over-mowing would be treating our meadows like a lawn. A rotation of early and late mowing has different benefits. Late mowing supports the full season of grasses, particularly natives, which seed out late in the season. Early mowing allows grasses to grow with more breathing room. Mowing late season, especially in meadows with lots of brome (like the north meadow), often leaves more dead grass matter which can choke grasses, especially because we don’t hay our meadow. An early enough mow allows regrowth and often, even reseeding."
We also keep an eye out for noxious weeds and invasive species that we manage with targeted weeding and catch mowing at specific times of the year, depending on conditions. These include dock, salsify, Siberian elm, prickly lettuce, dandelions, cheatgrass, chicory, redstem filaree, flixweed and hoary cress that the Land CAG, in consultation with outside experts, consider to be detrimental to our meadows’ health.
The Land CAG appreciates the support of many community members who patrol our meadows to help eliminate these unwanted plants that compete with our native grasses. We are also starting year two of an experiment with a targeted herbicide application on one particularly difficult weed, sulfur cinquefoil, after a lengthy community approval process.
Cutting and baling is often considered by Land CAG. We are on the lookout for a hay baler who would be willing to cut and bale the north meadow (when the rotation timing is right). Baling hay minimizes the labor of mowing and also makes use of the well-tended, mostly weed-free, grass for livestock. The cutting of grass for hay may be a break-even financial operation for Nyland. However, the bonus of baling allows for the cut grass to be removed.
We hope this information helps answer some “how, why, and when” questions about mowing around our shared outdoor spaces. We look forward to continuing to collectively tend the land, and each other, with care.