Nyland Outdoor Common Areas Are Open With Restrictions
Nyland Board of Directors
July 2, 2020
Thank you for your patience as your Board of Directors grapples with how to balance the various needs of the community regarding use of Nyland’s outdoor common areas while in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic. In many ways, the Board was a microcosm of the larger community with all of the various perspectives represented. As such, it has taken a bit longer for us to arrive at a solution that we hope is workable and, if not, can be modified and amended as needed.
Before you jump to reading the guidelines for each outdoor area to determine if they meet your needs, we ask that you take the time to read this entire document, including the FAQ section at the end. We also ask that you try using the outdoor areas with these guidelines in place to see what your real, lived experience is rather than what you think it will be like. As always, the board is interested in your ideas and input, but please remember that we are not a police force nor a substitute for community process. If there remains contention on how to effectively use the Nyland outdoor spaces, it may be most prudent for the community to come together in an exploration of our shared values to help set guidelines inspired and overseen by the larger community. Indeed, that may be the most prudent thing to do anyway since it is likely that we will all be living with this pandemic for a while. In the meantime, it is our highest hope and intention that what we are putting forward in this document is a workable solution.
Thank you,
Your Nyland Board of Directors
Mary K., Matt N., Jim B. Jesse D., Toria T, Leslie B., Heidi H., Mike C., Marina D., David R.
The Board of Directors met several times since the community meeting on 6/18/2020 to discuss re-opening the outdoor common areas here at Nyland. The feedback received during that community meeting and by email was helpful and has informed the Board’s decision. Facing the COVID-19 pandemic and a range of personal health situations, community members clearly have varied perspectives on how “open” Nyland’s outdoor common areas should be.
The Board has considered these multiple perspectives in depth, and sought the simplest solution for sharing outdoor common areas safely, workably and with mutual respect for different needs and preferences.
The Board has voted to reopen all outdoor common areas, with restrictions, effective immediately, in full alignment with current city, county, and state public health regulations. Additional restrictions are based on the specific sizes and uses of Nyland’s outdoor spaces as follows:
Volleyball Court:
• Maximum of 8 people using the volleyball court at any one time. Players and spectators are expected to maintain social distancing from non-household members.
• Pathways surrounding the court should be kept clear for passersby who want to maintain 6-ft distance.
• Any dogs present must adhere to Nyland’s dog leash rule. All dogs must be on a leash and not be allowed to run free.
• Closed on Mondays to allow for a day of minimal activity in the area.
Basketball Court:
• Maximum of 6 people using the basketball court at any one time. Players and spectators are expected to maintain social distancing from non-household members.
• Pathways surrounding the court should be kept clear for passersby who want to maintain 6-ft distance.*
• Any dogs present must adhere to Nyland’s dog leash rule. All dogs must be on a leash and not be allowed to run free.
• Closed on Mondays to allow for a day of minimal activity in the area.
• Pathway Between Volleyball and Basketball Court: Please keep the path between the volleyball court and the basketball court clear for all who want to use it. This is an important request — it is crucial that we respect people’s personal social distancing needs and preferences. Keeping the path clear will help with this, and each of us has responsibility to speak up to remind each other. The Board will place clear signage to this effect, and has also requested that Land CAG create a safe, clearly-marked alternate path on the east edge of the playing field, for the use of anyone not wishing to be in proximity to active volleyball or basketball games.
• Maximum of 10 people using the pavilion at any one time, maintaining social distancing from non-household members.
• Pathways surrounding the pavilion should be kept clear for passersby who want to maintain 6-ft distance.
• Any dogs present must adhere to Nyland’s dog leash rule. All dogs must be on a leash and not be allowed to run free.
• Maximum of 6 people using the same playground at any one time, with adults maintaining social distancing from non-household members.
• Pathways surrounding the playgrounds should be kept clear for passersby who want to maintain 6-ft distance.
• Any dogs present must adhere to Nyland’s dog leash rule. All dogs must be on a leash and not be allowed to run free.
Playing Field
• Maximum of 10 people using the playing field at any one time, maintaining social distancing from non-household members.
• Pathways surrounding the playing field should be kept clear for passersby who want to maintain 6-ft distance.
• Any dogs present must adhere to Nyland’s dog leash rule. All dogs must be on a leash and not be allowed to run free.
Pedways, walkways and Nyland trails and open spaces:
• Maintain 6-ft distancing from non-household members whenever possible.
• Carry and wear a cloth face covering outdoors (children excepted) when distancing is either a) not possible, or b) not being practiced.
• If you encounter a person wearing a face covering, that is your signal that they would like you to maintain a 6-ft distance from them or put on a mask if that is not possible. That may mean either of you (or both) stepping off of the trail or walkway or altering your route slightly.
• The main protection a mask offers is to stop the spread of COVID-19 when the WEARER has the virus. Keep in mind that many people may be carriers without showing any symptoms. Masks (other than N95 masks) offer little protection for healthy people not wanting to catch the virus.
Conclusion & Timing
This was a difficult decision for the Board to make, but we feel that it best meets the needs of the greatest number of people at Nyland, without risking the health of those most vulnerable, and respects the wishes of those who want or need boundaries.
This decision is in effect until October 1, and is subject to revision by 1) the Nyland Board of Directors, 2) addendums and revisions to city, county, or state health orders, or 3) a Nyland community process.
The Board greatly appreciates everyone’s feedback, and the efforts of all Nylanders to stay safe and help each other stay safe during this pandemic. With care for each other and a spirit of community, we can responsibly share our outdoor common areas and continue to thrive.