Nyland Common House Use Updated 9/20/21
In accordance with the city of Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado State and CDC requirements, recommendations, and orders.
Partial Opening of the Nyland CH - Phase 2 - Fall 2021
----Common House main spaces----
Currently open to small groups, and all users are expected to comply with current Boulder County health orders.
Current mask mandate details are at: https://www.bouldercounty.org/families/disease/covid-19-information/indoor-mask-order/
a. Wear a mask while in the CH building.
b. Observe physical distance (sit or stand 6 feet apart)
c. Groups up to 10 people allowed while wearing masks.
d. To use the CH please reserve by signing up on the website.
----CH Guest Rooms----
Since Nylanders haven't had use of the CH for most of the past year, we are opening up the guest rooms to Nylander's friends and family only initially.
a. Limited to only 1 family of guests at a time using 1 or both of the guest room/s and downstairs bathroom.
(Multiple groups can not rent the rooms at the same time)
b. No kitchen or other part of the CH may be used by guests until further notice.
c. Please invite your guests to use your home kitchen.
d. Rooms will be thoroughly sanitized after each guest.
e. Social distance 6 ft apart from others while entering and exiting the building.
We will continue to monitor the city of Lafayette, Boulder County, State requirements, orders and recommendations.
And most importantly, please use common sense and be kind!