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Notices from your Nyland CAGs
Nyland Outdoor Common Areas Are Open With Restrictions
Thank you for your patience as your Board of Directors grapples with how to balance the various needs of the community regarding use of Nyland’s outdoor common areas while in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic. In many ways, the Board was a microcosm of the larger community with all of the various perspectives represented. As such, it has taken a bit longer for us to arrive at a solution that we hope is workable and, if not, can be modified and amended as needed.
July 2, 2020
Nyland Outdoor Common Areas and the "Safer at Home" Public Health Order
In its evolving response to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, on Saturday, May 9, Boulder County shifted from “Stay at Home” (sheltering in place) to the “Safer at Home” Public Health Order that the state had already implemented. Nyland’s Board of Directors continues to be guided by the State of Colorado’s Department of Public Health & Environment, along with our county and city public health authorities, in consultation with the Nyland COVID Hub.
May 13, 2020