This page links to the most recent documents related to the Nyland Community Association’s (NCA) master policy.
An archive of Nyland insurance-related documents can be found here.
The Nyland Community Association (NCA) master policy can be downloaded as a .pdf or .txt.
The 2022 Appraisal Report can be downloaded as a .pdf.
2019 CC&R amendments can be found at the links below:
190516 Third Amendment to the CC&Rs.pdf
190516 First Amendment to the Bylaws.pdf
Master policy declarations ammended .pdf
Loss Assessment letter [add link]
This document is for your lender to certify that you have insurance coverage from the NCA.
Documents related to Homeowners’ personal insurance policies (HO-6 or condo insurance)
Exterior upgrade reporting grid showing which policy covers different items [add link]
Insurance checklist grid [add link]
Introduction video to personal insurance policy [add link]
Slide show [add link]
Checklist for visit with insurance agent [add link]
State Farm coverage explanation and support
State Farm insurance unit owner explanation for Nyland
Homeowner checklists
Coverage grid
Exterior upgrade reporting
latest rewrite of information page/latest rewrite copy pages, slide show replaces this