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Nuts and Bolts


Many households or groups of households own carts that they leave in the parking lot for their own use. While these carts are privately owned, the owners usually do not mind if they are borrowed for a very short period of time as long as they are returned to where they were found.



If you are a Nyland resident interested in joining a chicken tenders group, email one of the following:


Dishwasher Instructions:

These instructions explain how to use the dishwasher in the common house kitchen.


The fax machine is on the upper level of the Common House and may be used for incoming faxes only. The fax number is the same as the Common House number (303.494.2778).



There is a community greenhouse, which is currently managed by Lara Miller as part of Nyland's North Field Farm.


House Addresses and Unit Numbers:

This spreadsheet shows the unit number associated with each house.



Mailboxes are on the lower level of the common house near the entry.


Waste Removal Schedule:

  • Eco-Cycle compost - Tuesdays & Thursdays

  • Trash  - Wednesdays & Saturdays

  • Recycling - Mondays & Thursdays



Cubbies are a way to distribute information to all Nylanders. So please check them often as you might find a flyer about an upcoming event, a community notice, or something special from a neighbor. There is a cubby for each house on the north pedway in the lower level entryway of the common house and one for each home on the south pedway in the upper level in the entryway. There are also dividers a home owner can use to share a cubby with their renter.



The Nyland copier is located upstairs on the counter in the Common House loft.  It is not subsidized by any Nyland budget. The machine itself was donated, and supplies are replaced from a fund made up entirely of payments for copier “cards” by Nylanders who use the copier. This is an honor system that only works if people pre-pay for the cards and mark off any copies they make. If you are making copies for your CAG, the system still works the same way; just put the name of the CAG on the card, instead of your own.

Instructions for using the copier are posted on the wall over the copier.

1. Blanks cards are in a folder in the top right drawer. Choose which size card you want to buy:*
$1 = 5 copies  (20¢ per copy)
$5 = 40 copies  (12.5¢ per copy)
$10 = 90 copies  (11.1¢ per copy)
$20 = 220 copies  (9.1¢ per copy)

2. PUT YOUR NAME on your card!!  Put your card into the appropriate folder in the top right drawer.

3. Put a check for the card, made out to Sheila Schneider, in my cubby.

4. Mark copies off your card as you use them, including any mistakes.**

5. When all the copies on your card are used up, throw it away and buy a new card. Don’t mark additional copies on the bottom of a used-up card!

* The money collected is used to replace paper, toner, and drums.

** Please pay for mistakes – it costs the same to make a mistake as a good copy.  Read the instructions before starting to copy. For additional help, the instruction manual is in a drawer below the copier.


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