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To find a photo or photos in the archive:

  1. Click on the Photos tab

  2. Click on a folder

    • Photos are org​anized in folders named with a date string (YYMMDD) and event name (e.g., "Halloween")

  3. The folder will open a Google Drive window

    1. Toggle button in top right area to display photos in "list" view or "grid" view (grid view shows bigger thumbnail images)​

    2. Double-click a photo to view

    3. Photos can be downloaded one by one or in groups using the expandable pull down menu in upper right area

The members of the Nyland community create guidelines and informal agreements about how we want to relate as neighbors, and about what kind of community we aspire to be. These guidelines and agreements are separate from the legal policies of the Nyland Community Association and its Board of Directors. Community guidelines are not HOA governance documents; they represent members’ intentions and aspirations for the community norms we want to foster, and they are not legally binding.

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