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Short Term Rental Available
Furnished Home at Nyland CoHousing Community. Available Feb 6 - March 12, 2024.
Sunny living room looking out on open space, two bedrooms, two bath, full kitchen,
washer/dryer, back patio. Furnished, with hardwood floors, high speed wireless Internet,
whole house air purifier. Access to open space trails from backyard. Seeking to rent to
one or two quiet people. Preference given to those interested in cohousing, or in living at
Nyland. No smoking, no pets please. Rent: $2500 for 5 weeks, includes internet, park-
ing, and all utilities. Security deposit and references required. Will consider rental for
part of available time at $600/week.
Renting gives you access to Nyland Common House, trails, and conversation with resi-
dents – to get a deeper feel for whether this is the right place for you and network with
residents so they are aware of your interest.
If interested or for more information, contact Marina at

The members of the Nyland community create guidelines and informal agreements about how we want to relate as neighbors, and about what kind of community we aspire to be. These guidelines and agreements are separate from the legal policies of the Nyland Community Association and its Board of Directors. Community guidelines are not HOA governance documents; they represent members’ intentions and aspirations for the community norms we want to foster, and they are not legally binding.

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