Design Review
PURPOSE OF DESIGN STANDARDS: The NCA Design Review Rules, Regulations & Guidelines are established to create and sustain a high quality of residential development, enhance property values and assure high quality of construction which will be in harmony with the existing community and natural environment.
REVIEW PROCESS: Any proposed structural changes to the existing exterior of a building (either attached or detached) of a private lot or any additions to the Common Areas or Buildings must be submitted to the Design Review Committee (DRC) for approval.
The following is an outline of the process to be followed when applying for a change as stated above. The applicant may be either an Owner in the case of changes to a private lot or a CAG in the case of a change to the Common Area.
Notice to the Community:
* Submit three sets of plans and specifications to the DRC. Download an example
* The DRC will post the plans and specifications on the Design Review Bulletin Board in the Common House for a period of 2 weeks to give community the opportunity to comment. The DRC will also post a notice on both upper and lower Community Bulletin Boards indicating that there is a new design posted on the Design Review Bulletin Board.
* Any Community Member may respond in writing to the DRC concerning the proposed plan. Such comments will be considered by the DRC in making its decision regarding the proposed plan.
Submittals to the DRC: Submittals must include the following:
* Name, address and phone of applicant.
* Description of proposed change.
* Anticipated start and completion date.
* Proposed contractor/person(s) to perform the work.
* Plans (to scale) showing relation to existing site elements and property lines, pertinent materials and colors, and building elevations when appropriate.
* Signatures from the appropriate neighbors showing their approval.
* A copy of a building permit when required by the City of Lafayette.
Submittals to the Land Council: Submittals must also be made to the Land Council when required by the CC&R's.
Approval: The applicant must receive written approval form the DRC before proceeding with the proposed change.
Appeal: If the applicant feels that the DRC is being unduly harsh or arbitrary in its decision and the applicant and DRC cannot come to a suitable resolution, the applicant may take their grievance to the Community for resolution.
DESIGN GUIDELINES: The following are some guidelines to be used when a change is proposed. As a general statement all improvements should produce a high quality appearance, be soundly constructed and harmonize with the surroundings.
Building Exterior Improvements: Materials, design and colors should match the existing building.
Fireplaces: Wood burning stoves and fireplaces are discouraged, however when installed, chimneys should be constructed to match existing house siding.
Fencing: Fencing is generally discouraged, however fencing is allowed in the following situations:
* Open type fences for pet control.
* Solid type fencing to create privacy in areas of high pedestrian or auto traffic.
* No chain link fences will be allowed.
Sheds: Equipment and/or storage sheds of any size shall be constructed of the same materials used on the house. No metal buildings will be allowed.
Landscaping: Xeriscape landscape materials and techniques are highly recommended.