Nyland Smoking Policy
Passed May, 2023 with 44 yes votes and 3 no votes
Nyland Cohousing is a non-smoking community and is required to comply with smoking laws and ordinances of the State of Colorado, Boulder County, and the City of Lafayette. As such, smoking is prohibited in shared buildings and spaces throughout the community, and shall not occur within 20 feet of an enclosed area to ensure that tobacco smoke does not enter through entrances, windows, ventilation systems, or other means. Smoking is allowed in private residences, enclosed vehicles, and the designated outdoor smoking area. Signs mark the designated smoking area, which is currently located adjacent to the north end of the east carport in the north parking lot, because the area best meets the Lafayette Fire Restriction Ordinance and existing state and local smoking laws. Please ensure that your visitors, employees and contractors are aware of this smoking policy. As a community guideline, compliance and enforcement are up to everyone who lives here, please do your part to help reduce fire danger.