Rates and Policies
All groups reserving the common house are responsible for damages.
Non-residential use: limited to 10 events per year.
Full weekend use of the Main level: maximum of two per month.
Nyland residents are allowed to reserve the common house for a maximum of 4 full weekends per year.
Weekday evening use:
No more than two weekday evenings will be booked in any given one week period.
Non-Residential Use: Outside groups who rent the common house
Main Level = $35 per hour
Lower Level = $20 per hour
$25 flat fee if kitchen area is used
Residential Use:
Private events where a fee is charged to participants
Main Floor = $20 per hour
Lower Floor = $15 per hour
$25 flat fee if kitchen is used
Donation-based Residential use: (i.e. Dances of Universal Peace, Yoga, Tai Chi)
Fee is 10 percent of gross income
Events that require no usage fee:
Private parties, workshops, classes or community parties, offered by residents, where no fees are involved
Pavilion Reservations are limited to Nyland Residents for events where no fee is requested. Community Events take precedence for pavilion use (i.e. CSA pickup on Thursdays, Land workday picnics on Saturdays and Sundays)
Cancellation Policy: Reservations cancelled less than 10 days before the beginning rental date will forfeit a fee of $50